vim windows - RawIron/ GitHub Wiki
- tool windows: scratch, preview, quickfix, help, loclist, errors
- editor windows (buffers?)
- plugin windows: tagbar, nerdtree
" visual autocomplete for command menu
set wildmenu
" jump to first open window that contains buffer
set switchbuf+=useopen
all windows to equal size
usually just temporarily for example maximize help window to read the help text of syntastic
it is not possible to restore the previous size of the window. for example in terminator this is done with:
nnoremap <leader>pc :pclose<CR>
nnoremap <ctrl-w-q> :cclose<CR>
nnoremap <leader>cc :cclose<CR>
nnoremap <leader>co :copen<CR>
nnoremap <leader>h :help
nnoremap <leader>hc :helpclose<CR>
tool window which lists all the errors reported by syntastic
nnoremap <leader>eo :Errors<CR>
nnoremap <leader>ec :SyntasticReset<CR>
nnoremap <leader>t :TagbarOpenAutoClose<CR>
nnoremap <leader>tc :TagbarClose<CR>
collapse or expand all