Services - RHMAccounting/spring-allacc GitHub Wiki
Services are different from articles as they are not being added in stock, we should treat them independantly.
They still need some identical parameters such as categories and details, price margin and so on.
Here is the current SQL shema of the tables involved in the services module :
As articles, we see the table which contains the families of services which can be encountered and filled by the company. Then a services table details all kind of services. The prices' table is here to keep track of the price evolution within the enterprise and will be directly linked to the POS for efficient use.
The source_move table links a service to an accounting document which can be :
- Quotation order
- Order
- Invoice
- Contract
- Group of tickets
The last table : services_move saves all use of all services.
In a dedicated configuration page, the manager will be able to add/update categories and add/update services, using the following functions
add_service_category(title, journal_code, fixed_margin, percent_margin) add_service(title, details, category_id)
The update_service_price will add a new entry in the table
From the POS and the e-commerce application, services will be added to an order, quote, invoice upon completion
use_service(service_id, type_of_document, document_id, date_of_move, final_price_of_service)
This last function will fill both tables : source_move and service_move.
That's all about the services, more details will be added later. For now you may browse the clients and sellers sections.