UbuntuPreperation - RCPRG-ros-pkg/irp6_robot GitHub Wiki
Preparation of Ubuntu to install IRpOS
The irp6 control software was tested on ROS kinetic version on Ubuntu 16.04 Linux. This system is installed in the WUT RCPRG laboratories and we advise to use the same system for the testing purpose at home or other PCs.
The following packages are already installed at the WUT laboratories, but it is needed to install them at other PCs, before IRpOS installation.
- Be sure that ros-kinetic-desktop package is installed http://wiki.ros.org/kinetic/Installation/Ubuntu
- Install system dependencies
- sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev ruby-full omniorb omniidl libomniorb4-dev libxerces-c-dev doxygen libreadline-dev google-mock ros-kinetic-controller-manager-msgs libcomedi0 libcomedi-dev python-catkin-tools python-wstool