CASE IS - QB64Official/qb64 GitHub Wiki


CASE IS can be used in a SELECT CASE routine where you need to use relational conditional expressions.


CASE IS {=|<|>|<=|>=|<>|NOT} expression


  • AND (boolean) can be used to add extra conditions to a CASE IS statement evaluation.
  • OR (boolean) can be used to add alternate conditions to a CASE IS statement evaluation.
  • Parenthesis are allowed in CASE IS statements to clarify an evaluation.
  • CASE IS > 100 uses the greater than expression.
  • CASE IS <= 100 uses the less than or equal to expression.
  • CASE IS <> 100 uses the not equal to expression(same as NOT 100).

Relational Operators:

Symbol Condition Example Usage
= Equal IF a = b THEN
<> NOT equal IF a <> b THEN
< Less than IF a < b THEN
> Greater than IF a > b THEN
<= Less than or equal IF a <= b THEN
>= Greater than or equal IF a >= b THEN

See Also

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️