$INCLUDE - QB64Official/qb64 GitHub Wiki
$INCLUDE is a metacommand that is used to insert a source code file into your program which is then executed at the point of the insertion.
- QBasic Metacommand must be commented with REM or an apostrophe.
- The sourceFile name must be enclosed in apostrophes and can include a path.
- $INCLUDE is often used to add functions and subs from an external text QBasic code library.
- The $INCLUDE metacommand should be the only statement on a line.
How to $INCLUDE a BAS or Text file with a QB64 Program
- Assemble the code to be reused into a file.
- Common extensions are .BI (for declarations, usually included in the beginning of a program) or .BM (with SUBs and FUNCTIONs, usually included at the end of a program).
- Any extension can be used, as long as the file contains code in plain text (binary files are not accepted).
- $INCLUDE any DIM, CONST, SHARED arrays or DATA at the beginning of the main program code.
- $INCLUDE SUBs or FUNCTIONs at the bottom of the main program code after any SUB procedures.
- Note: TYPE definitions, DATA and DECLARE LIBRARY can be placed inside of sub-procedures.
- Compile the program. *Note: Once the program is compiled, the included text files are no longer needed with the program EXE.
** '$INCLUDE:** 'QB.BI'
More examples
- SelectScreen (member-contributed $INCLUDE demo)
- FILELIST$ (member-contributed file search function)
- SAVEIMAGE (SUB program that creates bitmaps)