Game Design - PurdueSIGGD/KillerPlatform GitHub Wiki


###Game Design Doc Maintainer

  • Unknown

####Unresolved Questions About the Game: ####Unresolved Questions About the Game:

    1. Will the WHOLE game be on Easter Island?
    1. Will there be different times/weather for each different level? (ie: night for level 2, cloudy/stormy for level 3 at day, etc.)
    1. Might need to read about any mythologies involving Easter Island to populate the list of characters, etc.
    1. Bosses?
    1. Will humans have weapons/shields?
    1. How intelligent are the humans? (will they try not to get trapped? Can you trick them into thinking that they're going to a safe place when in actuality it kills them)?
    1. Interactions between "friends"/platforms?
    1. What is the purpose of resources when you have friends?
    1. How do you GET resources? (?)
    1. What if friends are restricted to specific areas and can help alleviate resource needs? Or have special powers?
    1. Will there be an underwater level?
    1. Why the heck are your "friends" kidnapped/captured? They're just rocks...
    1. What if we had fake "friends"?
    1. e

###World Design:

  • Backstory: Platforms got stepped on ONE TOO MANY TIMES; get pissed
  • Setting: Easter Island, Bright/Tropical/Sunny
  • Theme: Appreciate what you're stepping on!

###System Design:

  • Rules: Kill the humans!
  • Limitations: Platforms cost resources, gravity, it takes planning and execution to kill enemies.
  • No unwinnable states ###Content Design:
  • Characters:
  • Level Progression with Enemy Progression
  • In-game Items: Platforms (ramps, spikes, fragile (re-spawnable), springboxes/ springs, half-pipes, floatable platforms?, portal platforms?, platforms that bounce themselves that you can bounce on)
  • Puzzles: Standard Puzzles, Corral Puzzles, Enemy Wave Puzzles, Timer Puzzles,
  • Missions:


  • Main Story:Tanner will do it.
  • Dialogue: Speech Boxes, voice acting if time, narration
  • In-game Texts: In-game Texts: speech boxes, bottom-screen text

###Level Design:

  • Player Goals: Save key characters/ Kill enemies along the way
  • Why itโ€™s Fun: Dark Humor, Blood/Gore, Physics, CHIBI STYLE

###UI Design:

  • Menus: Will come out of art.
  • HUDs: Kills, resources, items, objectives

###Audio Design:

  • Music: Context insensitivity
  • Ambience: Birds pooping on statues, general island sounds
  • Environment: environment sounds.
  • Menu: Generic clicking/ beeps
  • Other Sounds: Death Sounds, Item Dropping Sounds, etc.


  • Sprites: 32x32, 72 dpi, cute, happy, bright, player, enemies
  • Textures:
  • Maps/Background: Easter Island-esque, tourist area, tropical/sunny area
  • Interface:


  • Models: PC, phone if we have time
  • Animation: Unreal Engine 4!!
  • Environments: Unreal Engine 4!!
  • Cut-Scenes: Paper 2D, Sprite Based, Photoshop
  • Lighting: Maybe simple movement?
  • **Input: WASD, mouse, touch for mobile
  • **Network (Multiplayer): No! At least not yet!