Aloe Vera - ProjectZulu/Project-Zulu GitHub Wiki
Aloe Vera is intended as a versatile plant and can produce a number of different mutually exclusive outputs. The various parts of the plant can be broken at various points in its lifecycle to get the desired output. For example, if harvesting tumbleweed for string, the actual plant would never be harvesting or the player would need to wait for it to regrow. The player has then optimized his string output but gets no dye or food.
Time contained in image is no longer representative of the time it takes in game. It has since been shortened dramatically.
Diagram Illustrating the over Complicated Aloe Vera Life Cycle
###Use 1: Food When Aloe vera is planted on a sand or dirt block it will place its excess water in the dirt/sand below it. Onece the watered dirt block is sufficiently watered breaking it will drop 3 water droplets (food akin to watermelon in nutrition) along with 1 dirt or sand block.
###Use 2: Dandelion Yellow The Top part of the aloe vera plant can be broken to drop 1 dandelion yellow. Note that every time tumbleweed grows it will break the top part of aloe vera and not drop a dandelion.
###Use 3: Tumbleweed: Seeds/String Tumbleweed is created in any adjacent space to the base of the aloe vera plant. It must have a solid block under it to form. Can only spawn when the top part of the aloe vera block is fully grown. Tumbleweed spawning will break the top part of the aloe vera plant.