Flat Forms: Razor Components - ProCodersPtyLtd/MasterDetailsDataEntry GitHub Wiki

Razor Flat Forms Components


Parameter Type Description
TForm Type Type of form definition class based on DynamicEditFormBase<T>
Id int Primary Key value of showing entity
ServiceParameters object[] List of parameters supplied to Filter Keys
ReadOnly bool All input controls read-only
ForDelete bool All input controls are read-only and show Delete button
ModelValueChanged EventCallback<ValueChangedArgs> Event, fired when Entity property is changed
ButtonClicked EventCallback<ButtonClickedArgs> Event, fired when custom Dialog Button is clicked

Example 1:

@page "/EnrollmentEdit/{EnrollmentId:int}/{StudentId:int}"

<h1>Student Enrollment Edit</h1>

<FormDynamicEditComponent TForm="StudentHeaderForm" Id="@StudentId" ReadOnly="true" />
<FormDynamicEditComponent TForm="EnrollmentEditForm" Id="@EnrollmentId" ServiceParameters="new object[] { StudentId }" />

@code {
    public int EnrollmentId { get; set; }

    public int StudentId { get; set; }

Example 2:

@page "/CourseDelete/{CourseId:int}"

<h1>Delete Course</h1>

<FormDynamicEditComponent TForm="CourseEditForm" Id="@CourseId" ForDelete="true" />

@code {
    public int CourseId { get; set; }


Parameter Type Description
TForm Type Type of form definition class based on DataServiceBase<T>
Id int Primary Key value of showing entity
ServiceParameters object[] List of parameters supplied to Filter Keys
ItemButtonClicked EventCallback<ItemButtonClickedArgs> Event, fired when Context Menu Button is clicked
ButtonClicked EventCallback<ButtonClickedArgs> Event, fired when custom Dialog Button is clicked

Example 1:

@page "/EnrollmentList/{StudentId:int}"

<h1>Student Enrollments</h1>

<FormDataServiceListComponent TForm="EnrollmentListForm" ServiceParameters="@(new object[] { StudentId })"/>

@code {
    public int StudentId { get; set; }

Inline Editing Components



Parameter Declaration Description
FormType public Type FormType { get; set; } Type of form definition class
FilterValue public int? FilterValue { get; set; } Value (if not null) by which framework filters records
ItemButtonClicked public EventCallback<ItemButtonClickedArgs> ItemButtonClicked { get; set; } Event that fired when User clicks a custom button



Parameter Declaration Description
FormType public Type FormType { get; set; } Type of form definition class
FilterValue public int? FilterValue { get; set; } Value (if not null) by which framework filters records
ItemButtonClicked public EventCallback<ItemButtonClickedArgs> ItemButtonClicked { get; set; } Event that fired when User clicks a custom button
EditingNow public bool EditingNow { get; set; } Shows form with empty master record in editing mode

Next Page: Usage and Examples

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