Platz.SqlForms Flat Forms programming reference - ProCodersPtyLtd/MasterDetailsDataEntry GitHub Wiki


Platz.SqlForms framework is supposed to be installed using the NuGet package that can be found in Visual Studio Package Manager, the official link is:


To use Platz.SqlForms framework you will need to do these steps:

  1. Create a Dynamic Form definition - a class that is inherited from DynamicEditFormBase<TContext>
  2. Use razor component FormDynamicEditComponent on a Blazor page to render the created Dynamic Form definition
  3. For List Forms create a from definition inherited from DataServiceBase<TContext> and render it by FormDataServiceListComponent

Form Definition Example

using DemoSqlForms.Database.Model;
using Platz.SqlForms;

namespace DemoSqlForms.App.Forms
    public class CourseEditForm : DynamicEditFormBase<SchoolContext>
        protected override void Define(DynamicFormBuilder builder)
            builder.Entity<Course>(e =>
                e.Property(p => p.CourseID).IsPrimaryKey().IsUnique(); 

                e.Property(p => p.Title).IsRequired();

                e.Property(p => p.Credits).IsRequired();


                e.DialogButtonNavigation("CourseList", ButtonActionTypes.Cancel, ButtonActionTypes.Delete, ButtonActionTypes.Submit);

Razor Page Example

@page "/CourseEdit/{CourseId:int}"
@page "/CourseEdit"

<h1>Course Edit</h1>

<FormDynamicEditComponent TForm="CourseEditForm" Id="@CourseId" />

@code {
    public int CourseId { get; set; }

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