Unalive - PrincessCyanMarine/TriviumComicsBots GitHub Wiki


Activated by messages with the pattern

Krystal + [activation word]

Activation words


This command has an optional target


If no target was chosen

Krystal will respond to this command by sending the following static image in the same channel in which it was called

The static image sent as a response consists of the character Krystal shooting a minigun pointed to the left of the image

If a target was chosen

Krystal will repond to this command by sending a custom image in the same channel in which it was called.

Example of the command in use: The custom image sent as a response consists of the character Krystal shootinh at the player with either a minigun or a pistol. In the example image, she uses a minigun

If the target is the player that activated the command there's a 10% chance that Krystal will respond by saying "I do not condone suicide"

Krystal will refuse to attack any of the main cast (except for Ray)

Krystal will also refuse to attack someone she was asked to spare

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