Spare - PrincessCyanMarine/TriviumComicsBots GitHub Wiki


Activated by messages with the pattern

Krystal + [activation word]

Activation words


This command has an optional target


If no target was chosen

Krystal will respond to this command by sending the following text in the same channel in which it was called

"Which unattractive weeb should I spare?"

If a target was chosen

Krystal will repond to this command by sending the following text in the same channel in which it was called.

"Understood, I will spare the unattractive weeb"

She will then refuse to attack that player until asked to spare someone else

Spared player

Krystal will remember the last player she was asked to spare and won't attack that player until asked to spare someone else

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️