Session 54 - Praxxian/Ardamin GitHub Wiki



  • Artaurel
    • 275 XP each (to 12873)
    • The party runs into Scelturog
      • In the Fey Forest he was being followed by a creature with white horns and red eyes. He also found large, wolf-like footprints.
    • The party joins him in reporting this to Queen Tori. She indicates Usunaar's father may be the creature.
    • A wood elf Lafarrel, seeming desperate addresses the party. His clothes indicate he is an outsider.
      • Cass asks him for money and each party member gets 2sp.
      • He wants the portal to the Feywild open so he can be an envoy to the Spring Court.
      • He offers to hire men to scout her location and report it to the party.
      • The party rejects his offer and is pretty rude to him.
      • Elzaren and others think he might be trying to benefit from the party's hard work.
      • Scelturog notices he checks to make sure a chain around his neck was still there after the interaction. Fey Forest
    • The party gets tips about the swamp from Usunaar's mom.
      • There are poisonous snakes
        • She will make antitoxin if the party gathers the ingredients.
        • A safe place is near Praft's Pool.
      • Quicksand and mud
      • Take a pole to test depth and hidden creatures
    • Scelturog and Usunaar get 2 vials of antitoxin after 2 hours.
    • Scelturog smells a recently doused campfire.
      • There are three bodies at the campsite: two Faendotir and a Centaur.
      • In the pool of blood there are red bumps coming out of the ground.
      • Bodies have animal bites and large claw marks. There are wolf-like prints nearby.
      • The red bumps begin to move and turn into Redcaps that the party defeats.
        • Loot: spell scroll Bane, 20 sp, 20 cp
        • 420 xp (13293 total)

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