Enhance BroadcastReceivers - PerfectCarl/androidannotations GitHub Wiki

Since AndroidAnnotations 2.4

You can enhance an Android BroadcastReceiver with the @EReceiver annotation:

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {


You can then start using most AA annotations, except the ones related to views and extras:

public class MyReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

  NotificationManager notificationManager;

  SomeObject someObject;

The @Receiver annotation

Your activity/fragment/service can be notified of intents using the @Receiver annotation, instead of declaring a BroadcastReceiver.

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1")
  protected void onAction1() {



More information about the @Receiver annotation.

Since AndroidAnnotations 3.1

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