Receiving intents - PerfectCarl/androidannotations GitHub Wiki

Since AndroidAnnotations 3.1

The @Receiver annotation notifies your code about intents without having to manually declare and register a BroadcastReceiver.

public class MyActivity extends Activity {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1")
  protected void onAction1() {
    // Will be called when an org.androidannotations.ACTION_1 intent is sent.


The @Receiver annotation supports activities, fragments and services (and intent services).


The annotation registers and unregisters programmatically a BroadcastReceiver during the lifecycle of the parent class (Activity, Fragment or Service).

The registerAt optional parameter specifies when the registration/unregistration occur. The default value is OnCreateOnDestroy.

The following table lists the values for registerAt, when the registration/deregisration take place and indicates when the value can be used.

Register Unregister Activity Fragment Service
OnCreateOnDestroy onCreate onDestroy x x x
OnStartOnStop onStart onStop x x
OnResumeOnPause onResume onPause x x
OnAttachOnDetach onAttach onDetach x

Here an example of code.

public class MyFragment extends Fragment {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1")
  protected void onAction1RegisteredOnCreateOnDestroy() {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_2", registerAt = Receiver.RegisterAt.OnAttachOnDetach)
  protected void onAction2RegisteredOnAttachOnDetach(Intent intent) {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_3", registerAt = Receiver.RegisterAt.OnStartOnStop)
  protected void action3RegisteredOnStartOnStop() {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_4", registerAt = Receiver.RegisterAt.OnResumeOnPause)
  protected void action4RegisteredOnResumeOnPause(Intent intent) {


Local broadcasting

The optional parameter local registers the BroadcastReceiver locally using LocalBroadcastManager instead of the parent context (Activity, Fragment or Service).

The default value for local is false.

public class MyService extends Service {

  @Receiver(actions = "org.androidannotations.ACTION_1", local = true)
  protected void onAction1OnCreate() {  

  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️