Home - PalouseRobosub/SUBLIBinal_AVR GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the SUBLIBinal_AVR Wiki!

This library is a port of the SUBLIBinal library to be Arduino compatible (ATMega328P only). Many portions of documentation have been copied from SUBLIBinal's original wiki.

The purpose of this wiki is to provide users of SUBLIBinal an easy to understand guide to using the library. If this is your first time using SUBLIBinal, please see the getting started guide.

Table of Contents

What is SUBLIBinal?

SUBLIBinal is an interrupt driven microcontroller library designed for the ATMega328P. This library is a port of the original SUBLIBinal. The library provides easy to use structures based in the C programming language to quickly and simply implement peripheral features of the microcontroller, while also providing the end user the full functionality of an interrupt driven design.
One of the primary problems with external libraries is that they abstract too far away from the hardware and it can be difficult to understand what the library is actually doing. Because of this, SUBLIBinal is complete open-sourced. The code is licensed under the GPLv3 license.


Supported Peripherals

This list displays all the available peripheral features that SUBLIBinal supports.

Higher-Level Abstractions

Higher level abstractions are layers placed upon supported peripherals and expand upon functionality for ease of use by SUBLIBinal users.
