Pages - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki
- Arithmetic-operations Operators are used to compute values from literals or variables and create ex...
- Built-in-types # Introduction Mint support 13 built-in types: * 2 special types: *
- Control-structures Control structures allow you to execute different parts of a script depending...
- Function-definition Functions allow you to create a reusable and parameterizable part of the scri...
- Home # Mint documentation * Language reference * Introduction]] * [[Variab...
- Introduction # About mint Mint is an object-oriented scripting language. The file extensio...
- Type-casting Some operators only work with data of the same type|Built-in-types]]: * Opera...
- User-defined-types User-defined types are custom types that allow for the description of custom ...
- Variables # Definition Variables are symbols used to store values. In mint, a variable ...
- Work-with-modules A script can be split into several files. Each file with the
extension ...
- _Sidebar # Mint * Home Language reference * Introduction * Variables *...