Type casting - Palamecia/mint GitHub Wiki

Some operators only work with data of the same type:

When data of different types are passed to those operators, an automatic cast is applied to the right part of the operation. This automatic cast mechanism is only available for built-in types. On user-defined types, the cast must be done explicitly.


The module mint.type also provides functions to explicitly cast built-in types.

The following table shows the available cast mechanisms:

from / to none null boolean number string regex array hash iterator package function library libobject
none โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
null โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
boolean โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
number โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
string โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
regex โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
array โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
hash โœ“ โœ“ ? โœ“ โœ“
iterator โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“
package โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ ? โœ“
function โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ ? โœ“
library โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ ? โœ“
libobject โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ โœ“ ? โœ“

Cast from none

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to false
  • string: create an empty string
  • regex: create an empty regex
  • array: create an empty array
  • hash: create an empty hash
  • iterator: create an empty iterator

Cast from null

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to false
  • string: create a string initialized to '(null)'
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /(null)/
  • array: create an array containing one null element
  • hash: create a hash containing one null element mapped to none
  • iterator: create an iterator on the value

Cast from boolean

  • number: create a number initialized to 0 on false or 1 on true
  • string: create a string initialized to 'false' on false or 'true' on true
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /false/ on false or /true/ on true
  • array: create an array containing the value
  • hash: create a hash containing the value mapped to none
  • iterator: create an iterator on the value

Cast from number

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to false on 0 or true for other values
  • string: create a string initialized to the decimal representation of the number
  • regex: create a regex matching to the decimal representation of the number
  • array: create an array containing the value
  • hash: create a hash containing the value mapped to none
  • iterator: create an iterator on the value

Cast from string

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • number: create a number initialized to the constant in the string; an error occurs if the string is not a number constant
  • regex: create a regex matching the string's pattern
  • array: create an array containing the value
  • hash: create a hash containing the value mapped to none
  • iterator: create an iterator on each character contained in the value

Cast from regex

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string containing the pattern
  • array: create an array containing the value
  • hash: create a hash containing the value mapped to none
  • iterator: create an iterator on the value

Cast from array

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to the string representation of each element separated with ', ' between '[' and ']'
  • regex: create a regex matching the string representation's pattern (invalid object)
  • hash: create a hash containing each index of the value mapped to the element
  • iterator: create an iterator on each element of the value

Cast from hash

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to the string representation of each element separated with ', ' between '{' and '}'; keys and values are separated with ' : '
  • regex: create a regex matching the string representation's pattern
  • array: create an array containing each key of the value
  • iterator: create an iterator of iterators on pairs (key, value) of each element of the value

Cast from iterator

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to false if the iterator is empty and true otherwise
  • number: casts the next element to number
  • string: casts the next element to string
  • regex: casts the next element to regex
  • array: create an array containing each next element
  • hash: create a hash containing each next element mapped to none

Cast from package

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to '(package)'
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /(package)/
  • array: create an array containing the package
  • hash: create a hash containing the package mapped to none (invalid object)
  • iterator: create an iterator on the package

Cast from function

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to '(function)'
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /(function)/
  • array: create an array containing the function
  • hash: create a hash containing the function mapped to none (invalid object)
  • iterator: create an iterator on the function

Cast from library

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to '(library)'
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /(library)/
  • array: create an array containing the library
  • hash: create a hash containing the library mapped to none (invalid object)
  • iterator: create an iterator on the library

Cast from libobject

  • boolean: create a boolean initialized to true
  • string: create a string initialized to '(libobject)'
  • regex: create a regex initialized to /(libobject)/
  • array: create an array containing the libobject
  • hash: create a hash containing the libobject mapped to none (invalid object)
  • iterator: create an iterator on the libobject

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