The KLOE Tape Library - PADME-Experiment/padme-cdr GitHub Wiki

The KLOE Tape Library is hosted at LNF and is managed by Giuseppe Fabio Fortugno. The library is not interfaced to the GRID and is only accessible with ssh/scp connections to the node with user pdm (ask Emanuele for the password).

All PADME rawdata files are copied from the CNAF tape library to the KLOE tape library with an automatic procedure which takes into account a problem with the GFAL2 tools when using scp to copy a file to the fibm15 node. Each file is:

  • copied from CNAF to the /tmp area on the padmeui node using gfal-copy
  • copied from the /tmp area on padmeui to the /pdm/tmp area on fibm15 using scp
  • checked for completeness on fibm15 using the ADLER32 algorithm
  • moved to the disk buffer area on fibm15 at /pdm/padme/daq/<year>/rawdata/<run_name>/

Each night all files found in the /pdm/padme disk buffer area are automatically migrated to the actual tape library.

While logged on fibm15, it is possible to list the files contained in the tape library with the command dsmc query archive, e.g.

bash$ dsmc query archive /pdm/padme/daq/2020/rawdata/run_0030099_20200707_182453/\*.root
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
Command Line Backup-Archive Client Interface
  Client Version 7, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Client date/time: 10/27/20   11:49:54
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2015. All Rights Reserved.

Node Name: FIBM15
Session established with server FIBM0C: AIX
  Server Version 7, Release 1, Level 3.0
  Server date/time: 10/27/20   11:49:54  Last access: 10/27/20   11:49:35

             Size  Archive Date - Time    File - Expires on - Description
             ----  -------------------    -------------------------------
   797,112,559  B  07/09/20   01:30:12    /pdm/padme/daq/2020/rawdata/run_0030099_20200707_182453/run_0030099_20200707_182453_lvl1_01_238.root Never Archive Date: 07/09/20
   797,744,809  B  07/09/20   01:31:27    /pdm/padme/daq/2020/rawdata/run_0030099_20200707_182453/run_0030099_20200707_182453_lvl1_00_364.root Never Archive Date: 07/09/20

To retrieve files from the tape library, they must be staged in to the disk buffer and then can be copied via scp. To stage in files/directories to the disk buffer the command to use is dsmc retrieve. E.g. to stage in a full directory:

dsmc retrieve /pdm/padme/daq/2020/rawdata/run_0030486_20201008/  /pdm/padme/daq/2020/rawdata/
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️