Usage Guide - OptrixAU/xltoadobe GitHub Wiki

To begin with, you will need two files - one Excel file containing your data, and one template file created in your compatible application.

Your Excel file should include one row for every card in your deck, with the first column containing the unique name of your card.

Name Type Text
Draw 1 Draw Draw one card from your discard pile
Draw 2 Draw Draw two cards from the discard pile
Swift Attack Attack Inflicts three damage

Adding Headers

To make the file useful in XlToAdobe, you'll need to add two header rows at the top of the file.

The first is the Action you would like to perform using the data in the column. For example, the Text action replaces text in your file.

The second are parameters for that action. To again use the example of the Text action, in Photoshop the parameter will be the name of the layer the text appears on.

You can refer to the List of Actions for a complete list of actions.

Complete Example

Let's say we have a Photoshop file, and the following Excel file...

Text OneLayerActive Text ColourOverlay
Title Symbols Description Background
Draw 1 Draw Draw one card from your discard pile 0,0,100,100,100
Draw 2 Draw Draw two cards from the discard pile 0,0,100,100,100
Swift Attack Attack Inflicts three damage 100,100,0,100,100

In our Photoshop file, we have a text layer called 'Title', a text layer called 'Description', an image layer called 'Background' and in the 'Symbols' group we have one layer called 'Draw' and another called 'Attack'.

The Text rule in the first column will replace the text in the 'Title' layer with 'Draw 1' on the first card, 'Draw 2' on the 2nd card, and 'Swift Attack' on the 3rd.

The OneLayerActive rule on the second column will enable the Draw symbol, while disabling the Attack symbol. The same will happen for the 2nd card, and for the third the Draw symbol will be hidden and the Attack symbol show.

Lastly, the ColourOverlay action will tint the Background layer 0,0,100,100 (CMYK) with 100% opacity on the first card and the 2nd, but the colour will be different for the third.