Pull Request Guidelines - OmegaOoh/ku-tangtee GitHub Wiki
Request Guidelines
1. Use Pull Request template for the first comment
## Title: [Brief description of the changes]
### Description
- **What have you done? Should be clear and easy to understand** e.g. Restrict edit activity to host
- Provide a concise overview of what changes have been made and why.
- e.g. Add permission class for ActivityDetail PUT request method handler, so that only the host can edit an activity
- etc.
- Major Work or Features
- detail ...
- detail ...
### Functional Acceptance Criteria
- The given Functional Acceptance Criteria must work. The topic can be broad, e.g. Edit feature works properly
- Then specify the detail(s) if needed
- e.g. If the host edits, the information will be updated.
- e.g. If anyone else edits, show an error message and the information won't be updated.
- Functional Acceptance Criteria
- detail ...
- detail ...
### Checklist
_A self-assessment section to ensure that all necessary steps have been completed before submission._
- [ ] I have performed a self-review of my code.
- [ ] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [ ] I have updated the documentation, if applicable.
- [ ] My code follows the Coding Guidelines.
### Type of Change
_Categorizing the nature of the changes helps reviewers understand the scope quickly._
- [ ] Bug fix
- [ ] New feature
- [ ] Documentation update
- [ ] Other (please specify)
### Additional Information
- **Does this PR introduce a breaking change?** (Yes/No)
- If yes, describe what users need to do to adapt.
- e.g. .env change ...
- **Other information:**
- Include any other context or information relevant to the PR.
- e.g. only works for backend
## Title: Backend function for searching the activity
### Description
- Keyword search function in ActivityIndex
- Overwrite get_queryset in ActivityIndex, so that the page only shows activities that match the keyword.
### Functional Acceptance Criteria
- Search by keyword (ActivityIndex)
- Can now use query parameter keyword to filter activities name (i.e. http://localhost:8000/activities/?keyword=value with value for filter)
### Checklist
- [x] I have performed a self-review of my code.
- [x] I have added tests to cover my changes.
- [x] I have updated the documentation, if applicable.
- [x] My code follows the Coding Guidelines.
### Type of Change
- [ ] Bug fix
- [x] New feature
- [ ] Documentation update
- [ ] Other (please specify)
### Additional Information
- Does this PR introduce a breaking change? No
- Other information:
- Only works for the backend.
2. Review Request
- Targeted Review: If you want the particular team members to review, tag them for a review.
- Open Review: If the changes are broad or general, consider requesting no one or everyone.
3. Notify Changes
- Comment: When making updates to the pull request, provide a concise comment that outlines the changes.
- Template Update: Edit the initial comment if the modifications significantly impact the original pull request template.
Review Guidelines
1. Review Request
- Prioritize Active Requests: If the PR specifically requests for your review or has an open spot, please take a look.
- Respect Existing Assignments: Avoid reviewing a PR if another reviewer is already assigned unless explicitly requested.
- Contact the Author: If you're interested in reviewing a PR that doesn't need a reviewer, you can contact the author.
2. What to review
- Pull Request
- Ensure PR and the code are accurate and aligned with project requirements.
- Ensure all PR changes are acceptable
- Functionality
- Verify that the changes meet the specified functional acceptance criteria.
- Code Quality
- Clarity: Ensure that the code is easy to read and understand. Check for clear naming conventions and logical structure.
- Consistency: Check adherence to Coding Guidelines.
- Efficiency: Look for opportunities to optimize the code for performance without sacrificing readability.
3. Change Requests
- Suggest Changes: Suggest changes when something unexpected occurs.
- Provide Feedback: If you want to suggest changes, offer clear explanations and alternative approaches.
- Prioritise Issues: Focus on addressing issues that impact correctness, security, or maintainability.
- Ask questions: If you don't understand something, ask the author to explain it.
- Give suggestions: Offer ideas for improving the code, but make change requests if the changes are required.