Coding Guidelines - OmegaOoh/ku-tangtee GitHub Wiki


1. Naming conventions

  • Using all UPPERCASE in descriptive word for Constant.
  • Using Pascal case in Class name declaration.
  • Using Camel case in Variable and Function declaration.
// camelCase for Variable and Function
let myVariable = 10;
function calculateSquareArea(length){
    return length * length;

// PascalCase for Class name
class MyClass{
    constructor(name){ = name;

// UPPERCASE for Constant
const MAXIMUM_LENGTH = 1000000;

2. Object and Arrays formatting

For Objects you should follow this example.

const car = {
    brand : 'Honda',
    license : 'BK2590'

For Arrays you should follow this example.

 const numbers = [1, 2, 3]; 

3. If / else statements formatting

Single if / else

if (condition) {
    // Code to execute if condition is true
} else {
    // Code to execute if condition is false

Nested if / else

if (condition1) {
    if (condition2) {
        // Code to execute if both if conditions are true
    } else {
        // Code to execute when outer if condition is true and the inner if condition is false
} else {
    // Code to execute when outer if condition is false

Avoid many nested if conditions because it will lead to deep indentation and it will be hard to read.

4. Using JSDoc to write description

 * Calculates the sum of two numbers.
 * @param {number} a The first number.
 * @param {number} b The second number.
 * @returns {number} The sum of the two numbers.
function add(a, b) {
    return a + b;

5. String Quoting

We prefer to use single quotes than double quotes.

  • Correct Usage.
const greeting = 'Hello, World!'; // Correct: Single quotes
const message = 'It\'s a great day!'; // Correct: Escaped single quote
const htmlString = '<div>Hello!</div>'; // Correct: Single quotes used
  • Incorrect Usage.
const wrongGreeting = "Hello, World!"; // Incorrect: Prefer single quotes
const wrongMessage = "It's a great day!"; // Incorrect: Prefer single quotes or escape
const wrongHtmlString = "<div>Hello!</div>"; // Incorrect: Prefer single quotes

6. Run JSHint

Lint JavaScript with JSHint

  • Run JSHint by using configuration file .jshintrc


1. Follow PEP8 convention

Naming convention is different from Javascript.

my_variable : str = "Hello World!" # Prefer lowercases and underscores for functions and variables

class MyClass : # Prefer using PascalCase for class names
    """Class for showing naming convention only """
    def __init__( self, name : str )-->None:
        """Receiving name into this object

        :param name: name of anything
        :return: not return anything
        """ = name

THOUSAND_BANKNOTE : int = 1000 # Prefer UPPERCASE for constants

2. Run Flake8 with Flake8-docstrings

Lint with flake8

  • We will have the github workflow about this to maintain the code quality.
  • Run flake8 with setup configuration in .flake8

3. Use type hints from typing

Type hints example

def calculate_rectangle_area( length : float, width : float )-->float:
    # Type hints are length : float, width : float and -->float which mean these values are float
    # No need to use typing if it already satisfies by using simple type hints
    return length * width

from typing import List

def find_summation( data : List[float] )->float:
    # Type hints are data : List[float] and -->float
    return sum(data)

4 Use sphinx style docstrings but no need to define types because we already did that

def calculate_rectangle_area( length : float, width : float )-->float:
    """A function that uses to calculate rectangle area.

    :param name: length of your rectangle area
    :param width: width of your rectangle area
    :raises TypeError: can not computer non numeric rectangle width or length
    :return: area of the rectangle
    # The block between function name and this line is sphinx style docstring
        return length * width
    except TypeError:
        raise TypeError("Non numeric rectangle length or width received")

5. Use mypy to check your type hints

Type check with mypy

  • Run mypy with configuration file mypy.ini

6. Run the tests using either pytest or unittest (Included into coverage)

  • We will have the github workflow about this.

7. Check the coverage of tests


  • Run coverage with configuration file .coveragerc

8. Import only modules not stuffs inside except shortcuts

import math # Import only module

e = math.e # We import only math module not item inside module so that we can track the problem easily.

from django.views import generic # In this case is an exception so we import the item inside the module.

Github rules

  • No direct commit to main.
  • Pull requests have to be approved and reviewed before merging.
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