cdf - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
A cdf property is used to configure a classification scheme for a values unit or data item.
cdf properties can be configured to both values units and data items:
- If configured to a values unit, all data items with this values unit will use the classification (by default) in map and graph views.
- If a cdf property is configured to a data item, it is used in a graph or map view of this data item and overrules a cdf property configured to the values unit of the data item.
The cdf property always needs to refer to the ClassBreaks item of a Classification scheme.
unit<float32> s:= baseunit('s', float32), label = "second", cdf = "seconden/ClassBreaks";
unit<uint8> seconden : nrofrows = 3
attribute<string> Label : ['treated', 'control', 'other'];
attribute<uint32> PenColor := Brushcolor, DialogType = "PenColor";
attribute<uint32> BrushColor : [rgb(200,0,0),rgb(0,200,0), rgb(128,128,128)], DialogType = "BrushColor";
attribute<s> ClassBreaks : [0,1080,3600], DialogType = "Classification";