Property - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
This page contains a complete list of all property definitions.
- Bold properties can be configured to (some) tree items
- Italic properties are derived properties, not meant to be configured
Be aware that not all properties apply to all item types.
- cdf: a classification scheme for a values unit or data item. If configured to a values unit, all data items with this values unit will use the classification (by default) in map and graph views. If the cdf property is configured to a data item, it is used in a graph or map view of this data item and overrules a cdf property configured to the values unit of the data item. The CDF property always needs to refer to the ClassBreaks item of a classification scheme.
- ConfigFileColNr: the vertical column position of the configured item in the configuration file.
- ConfigFileLineNr: the horizontal line position of the configured item in the configuration.
- ConfigFileName: the name of the configuration file, including the relative path from the project's configuration directory.
- Descr: a description for a tree item shown in the detail pages and as a tooltip. It is advised to keep a description limited to one sentence. More descriptive information can better be stored in an (HTML) file and configured as metadata with the URL property.
- DialogData: Used with the DialogType property to configure information on presenting data items. If the DialogType property is configured to Map, the DialogData should refer to the data item to which the geographic data is configured. This is needed to inform the GeoDMS how to visualise the geographic [[domain unit] of the requested data item. The DialogData property can also be configured for a values unit describing the coordinate system used for map views. In that case, the DialogData can be configured with one or multiple attributes referring to geographic information. These attributes will then be grouped into a background layer that is, by default, presented in each map view.
DialogType: Together with the DialogData property, this property defines how data is visualised. The following options are available:
- Classification: Defines a ClassBreaks item of a classification scheme. Configure this option for ClassBreaks items to inform the GeoDMS that the attribute is used for class boundaries of classifications and can be viewed/modified with the Classification and Palette editor in the GeoDMS GUI. See ClassBreaks item in a classification scheme for more information on ClassBreaks items.
- BrushColor: Defines a style item of a classification scheme. Configure this option for palette items to inform the GeoDMS that the attribute is used to define colours in classifications and can be viewed/modified with the Classification and Palette editor in the GeoDMS GUI. See Visualisation style items in a classification scheme for more information on palette items.
- Labels: Defines a label item of a classification scheme. Configure this option for label items to inform the GeoDMS that the attribute is used for the labels in classifications and can be viewed/modified with the Classification and Palette editor in the GeoDMS GUI. See label items in a classification scheme for more information on label items.
- Map: This option is configured for domain units to inform the GeoDMS that all data items with this domain unit can be visualised in a map view. The DialogData property should refer to the feature attribute.
- SymbolSize: Defines the size in pixels for point data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for point data
- SymbolWorldSize: Defines the worldsize in the coordinate system unit for point data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for point data
- SymbolColor: Defines the colour in RGB values for point data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for point data
- SymbolIndex: Defines the index value in the font for point data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for point data
- SymbolFont: Defines the font for point data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for point data
- PenWidth: Defines the width in pixels for arc data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for arc data
- PenWorldWidth: Defines the worldwidth in the coordinate system unit for arc data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for arc data
- PenColor: Defines the colour in RGB values for arc data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for arc data
- PenStyle: Defines the style for arc data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for arc data
- BrushColor: Defines the colour in RGB values for the interior of polygon data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for polygon data
- HatchStyle: Defines the style for the interior of polygon data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for polygon data
- LabelText: Defines the labels as strings for point and polygon data in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for labels
- LabelSize: Defines the pixel size for labels in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for labels
- LabelWorldSize: Defines the worldsize in coordinates system unit for labels in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for labels
- LabelColor: Defines the colour in RGB values for labels in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for labels
- LabelFont: Defines the font for labels in the GeoDMS GUI map view. See Visualisation style for labels
- MinPixSize: Defines the lower limit of the scale range to visualise a layer. See Scale-dependent visualisation
- MaxPixSize: Defines the upper limit of the scale range to visualise a layer. See Scale-dependent visualisation
- DisableStorage: Property configures whether or not a data item needs to be stored in an external storage. If a storage is configured to an item (or any parent item), the property definition DisableStorage ="True" indicates the current item will not be stored in an external storage.
- DomainUnit: The domain unit of a data item indicates the entity for which the data item is available. This domain unit is configured between () brackets for all attributes (not for parameters). A domain unit is usually configured in a Units container.
- ExplicitSuppliers: This item creates a dependency relation towards another item that must be updated before the current item is updated.
- Expr: The expression property is used to configure a calculation rule for a tree item.
- FreeData: This Boolean property determines if data results maintained in the CalcCache will be stored persistent or released after their interest count goes down to zero. The result data for data items with a calculation rule are, by default, stored persistently if they are stored in the CalcCache. Data items read by a StorageManager are, by default, not persistent. Intermediate results are never persistent. Non-persistent CalcCache data is stored in the subfolder tmp of the CalcCache folder. Combined with the KeepData = "True" property, the FreeData="True" condition determines that calculated data will be freed at the end of a project session but not earlier. See also: CalcCache Guide.
- FullName: This property is derived from the name of the tree item and its hierarchical structure (all parent container item names). The property is not meant to be configured.
- HasCalculator: Read-only property indicating if the data item has an expression configured or the item results from an expression configured to the parent item.
- InHidden: The property inHidden is derived from the configured isHidden = "True" property for the item itself or to any parent of the item. The inHidden property indicates if an item is visible (false) or not visible (true) if the option Show hidden items in the GUI Options dialogue is set to false.
- InTemplate: This property is derived from a parent property configured for the IsTemplate property. The InTemplate property is indicated if the item is part of a calculation scheme that can not be calculated.
- IsEndogenous: The read-only property IsEndogenous = "True" indicates a data item is calculated and not read from a source file.
- IsHidden: The property isHidden = "True" and hides tree items in the TreeView if the option Show Hidden Items in the GUI Options dialogue is set to false. The option is meant to hide items that are not relevant to an end user.
- IsLoadable: Read-only property indicating if exogenous data items can be read from external source files, a StorageManager is configured for the data item, and the property DisableStorage is not configured to be true.
- IsStorable: Read-only property indicating if endogenous data items can be stored, a storage manager is configured for the data item and the property DisableStorage is not configured to be true.
- IsTemplate: This property need to be configured to the container item representing a calculation scheme. With this property, it is indicated that the item to which this property is configured and all its subitems represent a scheme that can not be updated. The property must also be configured to inform the GeoDMS GUI that this item represents a calculation scheme (necessary for the case generator).
- KeepData: This property can be set to true for time-consuming calculations. If set to true, the results of a calculation are kept in memory after being calculated once.
- Label: This property is used to present the item in the GeoDMS GUI (except for the treeview in which the tree item name is used). In the legend of the Map view, the header of the table view, etc, the label is used (if configured, else the name is used). In the label, all characters are allowed, but it is advised to keep the size of the label limited.
- Name: This property is derived from the name of the tree item as it is configured in the GeoDMS configuration files
- NrSubitems: A derived property indicating the number of first-level subitems or a tree item.
ParamData: This property is used for case parameters. The content depends on the configuration of the accompanying ParamType property:
- If ParamType is configured to Numeric, ParamData indicates the values unit of the numeric value.
- If ParamType is configured to ItemList, ParamData describes the container in which subitems are presented in the combo box.
- If ParamType is configured to ExprList, ParamData contains the expression resulting in a set of items presented in the combo box.
- If ParamType is configured to SimilarList, ParamData describes the container that must match with other 'similar' containers based on their subitems. Furthermore, the property is used for case containers to indicate which sub-container of the cases will be available in the resulting cases container.
ParamType: This property is used for case parameters. The following options are available:
- NumericList: A textbox is shown to specify a numeric value; the values unit needs to be configured in the ParamData property.
- ItemList: a combo box is shown to select from the list of subitems from the container configured in the ParamData property.
- ExprList: a combo box is shown to select from the options resulting from the expression, comma separated (expressions for this property are usually configured with the asexprList operator).
- SimilarList: a combo box is shown to select from the containers that match the configured container for the ParamData property. The match must be based on the number of items, values units, and domain units of the items. If the "$AllValues" condition is configured in the
- ParamData property (; separated), the condition about matching values unit does not apply. This also applies to the condition "$AllDomains" with regard to the configured domain units. Default cases are not expanded, so Similarlist does not result in matches within the not yet expanded case. By adding the condition "$ExpandCases" all configured cases are first expanded and searched through.
- Password: Password that needs to be specified for a connection string towards an ODBC source
- SpatialReference: This property is used to configure the EPSG code for the geographical coordinate system to the coordinate unit
- SortByName: Property used to indicate if the GeoDMS GUI should present all subitems in an alphabetic sequence instead of the sequence of the items in the configuration file. The default value = false (no alphabetic order).
- Source: This property configures descriptive information for the source data used in a GeoDMS configuration. Source descriptions can be relevant for reporting purposes. The configured source property is presented in the Source Description tab for each data item in which this source item is used (based on the derived dependencies).
- SqlString: This property is configured for Data sources at the table/query level. A valid SQL Statement needs to be configured. All data selections statements are valid, statements that modify tables (like SELECT INTO, UPDATE etc) are not valid.
- StartupDesktop: obsolete
- StorageName: primary data used in the GeoDMS is usually stored in external storages. With the StorageName property a reference towards a primary data source is configured (in most cases a filename).
- StorageReadOnly: The StorageReadOnly property is used to indicate if a storage is only configured to read from (not to write to).
- StorageType: This property indicates the StorageManager used to read and write the data, e.g. ASCII grid, BMP, DBF, ODBC. The StorageType property must only be configured if it cannot be derived from the file extension.
- StoreData:This property configured to the value True explicitly stores data items that will not be stored in the CalcCache on disk, according to the CalcCache rules.
SyncMode: This property indicates which sources are read from a storage with multiple tables/attributes. The SyncMode property can be configured in three different modes:
- All: all tables and queries are read from the database, independent of what is configured in the GeoDMS configuration.
- Attr: only tables configured are read from the database, but from these tables all attributes
- None: only tables and attributes configured are read from the database
TableType: Read only property derived from the ODBC storage manager indicating if the source is a table or query
- TCalculationShemaCalculator: property used by the GeoDMS to store lay out information on the saved lay out of a calculation scheme.
- TSubitemShemaCalculator: property used by the GeoDMS to store lay out information on the saved lay out of a subitem scheme.
- TSupplierShemaCalculator: property used by the GeoDMS to store lay out information on the saved lay out of a supplier scheme.
- Url: the url property is used to configure relevant background information, stored in files on the local machine (preferably html, but other formats that can be viewed on the local machine are allowed as well). The file configured in the url property is shown in the Metadata detail page if the tree item is selected in the tree view, or if a subitem is selected, for which no url property is configured.
- UserName: User name that needs to be specifief for a connection string towards an odbc source
- Using: The Using statement is used to refer to other branches in the tree in order to find tree items in expressions, without having to specify a full name.
- ValueComposition: This property describes is used for data items with point value types. It describes if each instance of the data item consits of one (single) point, for point data like dwellings, services, or a set of points (poly), for lines or polygons like roads or administrative areas.
- ValuesUnit: The values unit describes in which unit a data item is expressed (meter, second, Euro etc). Values units are configured between < and > brackets after the keywords attribute or parameter.
- ViewAction: If a case is specified with the case generator in the GeoDMS GUI , a resulting data item can be viewed in mapview, datagrid dynacube etc. This item and the type need to be configured in the ViewAction property.
unit<uint32> TestCSV
: StorageName = "%ProjDir%/Data/test.csv"
, StorageType = "gdal.vect"
, StorageReadOnly = "true"
, SyncMode = "None"
attribute<string> attr;
parameter<string> SnapshotDir := ='SnapshotDir'+string(BAG_jaar);
container Panden
unit<uint32> import
: StorageName = "= SnapshotDir+'/pand.fss'"
, StorageReadOnly = "True"
attribute<rdc_mm_i32> geometry_mm (polygon) ;
attribute<string> identificatie;
attribute<int16> bouwjaar;
attribute<WPSrc> woonpand_type;
attribute<string> status;
unit<uint32> Natura2000
: StorageName = "%RSLdataDir%/Beleid/EU/Natura2000_20200524_RD_reproject.gdb"
, StorageType = "gdal.vect"
, StorageReadOnly = "True"
, DialogType = "Map"
, Source = "Nationaal georegister download shp-formaat op 20201013"
, url = " PS_Natura2000_as_is"
, SyncMode = "Attr"
, SqlString = "SELECT * FROM Natura2000_20200524_RD_reproject WHERE KADASTER <> 'niet van toepassing'"
attribute<rdc_meter> Geometry (poly);
unit<dpoint> LatLong_Base: Format = "EPSG:4326", DialogData = "wms_layer_llh"
parameter<float32> ViewPortMinSize := 100f / 3600f;
parameter<float32> PenWorldWidth := 10f / 3600f, DialogType = "PenWorldWidth";
parameter<float32> LabelWorldSize := 10f / 3600f, DialogType = "LabelWorldSize";
unit<float32> s := baseunit('s', float32) , label = "second", cdf = "seconden/ClassBreaks";
unit<uint8> seconden : nrofrows = 3
attribute<string> Label : ['treated', 'control', 'other'];
attribute<uint32> PenColor := Brushcolor, DialogType = "PenColor";
attribute<uint32> BrushColor : [rgb(200,0,0),rgb(0,200,0), rgb(128,128,128)], DialogType = "BrushColor";
attribute<s> ClassBreaks : [0,1080,3600], DialogType = "Classification";