User Guide GeoDMS RUN - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

To run the GeoDMSRun, activate the Command Prompt Window. The GeoDMSRun.exe can then be activated from the command line. The following parameters can/need to be specified:

  • (Optional) /Llogfilename (since version 5.55)
  • (Optional) any combination of /C1 /S1 /C2 /S2 /C3 /S3 to Clear or Set Multiple Threading level 1, 2, or 3. If these parameters are not configured, the default settings (see the GUI, Tools> Options> Advanced dialog) are used. S3 will be used for tile pipelining in the near future, at the moment this setting this parameter has no effect.
  • (Required) ConfigFileName
  • zero or more tree items names (space separated) to be calculated. Multiple item names can be specified, calculated results will be saved in storage's were configured.


1: Update the result item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

2: Update the Arithmetics/plus/test_attr and Arithmetics/sub/test_attr items in the C:\prj\test\cfg\operator.dms configuration

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\operator.dms" /Arithmetics/plus/test_attr /Arithmetics/sub/test_attr       

3: Update the results item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration with log information stored in the C:\tmp\log.txt file.

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "/LC:\tmp\log.txt" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

4: Update the result item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration with Multi Tasking StatusFlags 1 and 2 set (even if these are not the default settings).

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" /S1 /S2 "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms" /result

Quotes in the examples are needed for the file names, as spaces may occur in these names. In the tree item names quotes are not needed, as spaces are not allowed in these names. Note that: The value for LocalDataDir is read from the registry key Software\ObjectVision\DMS\LocalDataDir (default: C:\LocalData) which can be changed in the Tools -> Options dialog from the GeoDMS GUI.

The GeoDMS GUI settings about logging as saved in the registry is ignored for the GeoDMSRun, use the /L option to enable logging.

Commands can also be combined in a batch file.


With the GeoDMS run it is also possible to get similar statistics as the Statistics detail page of a data item, presented in a command box or written to a file.

  • use the command @statistics after the name of the configuration and before the item name to get the statistics in the command box
  • use the command @file after the item name with a filename to store the statistics in a file

see the following two examples:

1: Generate the statistics for the results/att item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration in a command box

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms"  @statistics /results/att

2: Generate the statistics for the results/att item in the C:\prj\test\cfg\stam.dms configuration and write the results to the file: D:\log\stat_att.txt

"C:\Program Files\ObjectVision\GeoDms7317\GeoDmsRun.exe" "C:\svn\GeoDMS\dev\webgen\cfg\dms.dms" <BR> @statistics /results/att @file D:\log\stat_att.txt