String functions - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
String functions operate on data items with a string value type like left or strcount
- +(concatenation) - combine two or more string values
- strlen (string length) - get the amount of characters in a string value
- strlen64 - same as strlen, but return the value as a uint64 value
- substr (sub string) - extract a part of a string value
- left - extract a part of string value starting from the left
- right - extract a part of a string value starting from the right
- strpos (string position) - get the first character position of a specific character
- strrpos (string right position) - get the first character position of a specific character, starting from the right
- strcount (string count) - count the number a of occurrences of a substring in a string value
- sort_str (sort string) - sort string values in ascending order
- quote - add single quotes around a string value
- unquote - remove single quotes from a string value
- dquote - add double quotes around a string value
- undquote - remove double quotes from a string value
- UpperCase - convert a string value to uppercases
- LowerCase - convert a string value to lowercases
- replace - replace a substring within a string value
- replace_value - replace a string value with a string value that fully matches
- repeat - repeat a string value a specific number of times
- trim - remove spaces before and after non-space characters in a string value
- ltrim (left trim) - remove spaces from the left until non-space characters in a string value
- rtrim (right trim) - remove spaces from the right until non-space characters in a string value
- asList - aggregates string values to a new string data item with a configurable character separator
- asExprList - aggregates string values to a new string data item, semicolon delimited and single quoted
- asItemList - aggregates string values to a new string data item, comma delimited
- asDataString - aggregates string values to a new string parameter, comma delimited and single quoted
- expand - expand a placeholder
- from_utf - convert a UTF-8 formatted string to ASCII characters
- AsItemName - converts a string to a valid GeoDMS tree item name
- split_piped_string - to be added
- split_multi_linestring