Left - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki
String functions left
- left(string_dataitem, length)
left(string_dataitem, length) results in a substring of string_dataitem with the number of characters of the length argument, starting from the left of the string_dataitem.
left(A, 3) is synonym for substr(A, 0, 3).
- data item string_dataitem with string value type
- literal or parameter length with uint32 value type
attribute<string> leftA (ADomain) := left(A, 3);
A | leftA |
'Test' | 'Tes' |
'88hallo99' | '88h' |
'+)' | '+)' |
'twee woorden' | 'twe' |
' test met spatie' | ' te' |
ADomain, nr of rows = 5