Generic Driver - ORKA-HPC/orka-hpc-llp GitHub Wiki
Content of this page: Instructions on how to build and use ORKA-HPC LLP Generic Driver
ORKA-HPC LLP Generic Driver
The ORKA-HPC Generic Driver (orkagd) is a C-library for Host-FPGA communication, designed for flexibility and ease-of-use. It supports multiple hardware configurations including locally installed FPGAs via PCIe, ethernet and USB as well as remote FPGAs via TCP/IP in arbitrary combinations.
How to build
On a shell navigate to the ORKA-HPC LLP root directory and run:
make sw-dep
This will build the depenencies and generate both a shared and a static library (liborkagd.{a,so}
that you may link against.
Installing PCIe Drivers
Host-FPGA communication via PCIe requires the installation of device drivers that run as kernel modules. For convenience we include drivers for Xilinx and Intel FPGAs.
For Xilinx FPGAs please run
make xdma
make install-xdma # needs root privileges
For Intel FPGAs please run
make intel
make install-intel # needs root privileges
How to use
Add sw/orkagd/src
to you include directories and link against liborkagd. You may then use orkagd
in your application. Library methods are prefixed with ORKAGD_
and declared in liborkagd.h
Before using any orkagd methods, it must be initialized with ORKAGD_Init()
We include sample programs that are designed to work with our
bitstream generation examples. Please refer to