Page Index - OE-FET/JISA GitHub Wiki
55 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- JISA Wiki
- GUI Building
- Instrument Control
- Data Handling
- Action Queues
- Advanced GUI Creation
- Choosing a Language
- Classes and Objects in Java
- Configurators
- Connectors
- Data Fitting
- Dialogues
- Exceptions
- Fitting
- Functions as Objects
- Getting Started
- Grids
- GUI Basics
- GUI Elements
- Instrument Basics
- Instrument Configurations
- Instruments New
- Interfaces, Threading and Synchronisation
- Java Basics
- large programs
- LockIn
- Logging
- Making Your Program
- Matrices
- Measurements
- Multiple SMUs or Multi Channel SMUs
- OO
- Pages
- Plots
- Program Structure
- Ranges
- Result Handling
- Saving and Loading Configurations
- Structural Overview of JISA
- Tab Groups
- Tables
- Testing SR830
- Threads
- User Inputs
- Using JISA in Java
- Using JISA in Kotlin
- Using JISA in Python
- Using Lock In Amplifiers
- Using SMUs
- Using Temperature Controllers
- Writing new Drivers