Page Index - NormanChiflen/Continuous-Integration--QA-Test--Deploy---Feedback GitHub Wiki
25 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- 10 best practise for Continuous Integration
- 10 commandments of Software Testing
- 12 bugs of Christmas
- 12 commitment of testers to developers
- 7 Tools for Over the Air iOS Beta Testing
- Agile Principles
- Beta Test Over the Air Install before marketplace submission
- Code Review Android
- Coding standards for mobile apps
- Common Software Test pitfalls
- End of Ticketing Hell: Integrating Code Quality using Jenkins
- Improving Code Quality by Integrating QA Testers with Analysts, designers, developers and other stakeholders
- ISO20000 standard TQM, ISO or CMM in software development
- Issues Severity vs frequency
- Need for Unit Test
- Pair Programming
- QA Test challenges & possible solutions
- QA Test challenges at o2Lab & possible solutions
- Software Coding Conventions
- Test Cycle
- Test Process to continuously Improve the Quality of our deliverables
- Testers at the mercy of developers schedule!
- Top 10 tips for developing Enterprise Mobile Apps
- Usability Testing