Class NCResourceManager - Navigine/Indoor-Navigation-iOS-Mobile-SDK-2.0 GitHub Wiki
NCResourceManager class is used for working with images, user files and events.
Referenced from: NCNavigineSdk.
- (void)loadImage:(nonnull NSString *)imageId
listener:(nullable id<NCResourceListener>)listener;
Function is used for loading image from storage using its id and resource listener callback, where you will get loaded image.
— image id which could be get from NCSublocation, NCVenue, etc. -
— NCResourceListener class element.
- (nonnull NSString *)publishUserEvent:(nonnull NSString *)content;
Function is used for uploading user message to the server and returns randomly generated tag using which you can find your uploaded message.
— users' message which will be uploaded to the server.
Returns randomly generated tag associated with your message and using which you can find your message on server.
- (void)uploadUserFile:(nonnull NSString *)filePath
listener:(nullable id<NCResourceUploadListener>)listener;
Function is used for uploading user file to the server and will notify in listener about upload status. Size of file should be less than 10 MB.
— path to the user file on your system. -
— NCResourceUploadListener class element.
- (nonnull NSArray<NSString *> *)getLogsList;
Function is used for getting the names of log files recorded using NCNavigationManager.
Returns the list of log files names.
- (void)removeLogFile:(nonnull NSString *)fileName;
Function is used for removing the log by name.
— name of the log file.
- (void)uploadLogFile:(nonnull NSString *)fileName
listener:(nullable id<NCResourceUploadListener>)listener;
Function is used for uploading log file to the server and will notify about loading status using the provided listener.
— name of the log file. -
— NCResourceUploadListener class element.