Class NCNavigineSdk - Navigine/Indoor-Navigation-iOS-Mobile-SDK-2.0 GitHub Wiki

Class NCNavigineSdk contains a list of static functions for initializing library, and list of functions for getting access to the managers, each of which will provide different opportunities for working with SDK.

Public Methods

Function setUserHash

+ (void)setUserHash:(nonnull NSString *)userHash;

This function initialises the user hash value of NavigineSdk.

  • userHash — user security key.

Function setServer

+ (void)setServer:(nonnull NSString *)server;

This function initialises the server value of NavigineSdk.

  • server — server URL (in the format http[s]://host[:port], e.g. "").

Function getInstance

+ (nullable NCNavigineSdk *)getInstance;

This function initializes Navigation library and returns NCNavigineSdk instance.

Return value

NCNavigineSdk instance, which could be used for getting managers.

Function getLocationListManager

- (nullable NCLocationListManager *)getLocationListManager;

This function returns the NCLocationListManager class instance.

Return value

NCLocationListManager instance, which could be used for working with the list of NCLocationInfos.

Function getLocationManager

- (nullable NCLocationManager *)getLocationManager;

This function returns the NCLocationManager class instance.

Return value

NCLocationManager instance, which could be used for working with the NCLocation.

Function getNavigationManager

- (nullable NCNavigationManager *)getNavigationManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager;

This function returns the NCNavigationManager class instance.

Return value

NCNavigationManager instance, which could be used for working with the NCPosition.

Function getRouteManager

- (nullable NCRouteManager *)getRouteManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager
                           navigationManager:(nullable NCNavigationManager *)navigationManager;

This function returns the NCRouteManager class instance.

Return value

NCRouteManager instance, which could be used for working making routes, setting target points. (See NCRoutePath class).

Function getZoneManager

- (nullable NCZoneManager *)getZoneManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager
                         navigationManager:(nullable NCNavigationManager *)navigationManager;

This function returns the NCZoneManager class instance.

Return value

NCZoneManager instance, which could be used for working with zones and detecting enter and leave events. (See NCZone class).

Function getNotificationManager

- (nullable NCNotificationManager *)getNotificationManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager;

This function returns the NCNotificationManager class instance.

Return value

NCNotificationManager instance, which could be used for working with notifications when detecting beacons. (See NCNotification class).

Function getMeasurementManager

- (nullable NCMeasurementManager *)getMeasurementManager;

This function returns the NCMeasurementManager class instance.

Return value

NCMeasurementManager instance, which could be used for working with signals and sensors. (See NCSignalMeasurement and NCSensorMeasurement classes).

Function getLocationEditManager

- (nullable NCLocationEditManager *)getLocationEditManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager;

This function returns the NCLocationEditManager class instance.

Return value

NCLocationEditManager instance, which could be used for modifying location and uploading changes to the server. (See NCLocation class).

Function getResourceManager

- (nullable NCResourceManager *)getResourceManager:(nullable NCLocationManager *)locationManager;

This function returns the NCResourceManager class instance.

Return value

NCResourceManager instance, which could be used for working with images, uploading user files and events, working with log files.

Usage example

Do not forget to set your User Hash and server before getting the instance of NCNavigineSdk, so it would be correctly initialised!


  NCNavigineSdk.setUserHash( /* Your User Hash*/ );
  NCNavigineSdk.setServer( /* Server Url */ );
  var mNavigineSdk = NCNavigineSdk.getInstance();
  var mLocationListManager = mNavigineSdk.getLocationListManager();
  var mLocationManager     = mNavigineSdk.getLocationManager();
  var mNavigationManager   = mNavigineSdk.getNavigationManager(mLocationManager);
  var mRouteManager        = mNavigineSdk.getRouteManager(mLocationManager, navigationManager: mNavigationManager);
  var mMeasurementManager  = mNavigineSdk.getMeasurementManager();
  var mResourceManager     = mNavigineSdk.getResourceManager(mLocationManager);
