Page Index - NatLibFi/Annif GitHub Wiki
40 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Achieving good results
- Analyzers
- Architecture
- Backend: Dummy
- Backend: Ensemble
- Backend: fastText
- Backend: HTTP
- Backend: Maui
- Backend: MLLM
- Backend: nn_ensemble
- Backend: Omikuji
- Backend: PAV
- Backend: STWFSA
- Backend: SVC
- Backend: TF IDF
- Backend: vw_ensemble
- Backend: vw_multi
- Backend: YAKE
- Backward compatibility between Annif releases
- Commands
- Corpus formats
- Creating a new backend
- Development flow, branches and tags
- Document corpus formats
- Getting started
- Hugging Face Hub integration
- Language detection
- Optional features and dependencies
- Project configuration
- Release process
- Reusing preprocessed training data
- Running as a WSGI service
- Subject vocabulary formats
- System requirements
- Transforms
- Troubleshooting
- Usage with Docker
- Web user interface