Simple lift off using ma N 440 - NanoLabStaff/nanolab GitHub Wiki
by Jonas M. Ribe ([email protected])
Spin coat ma-N 440 (4.20μm)
3000rpm for 30s Ramp: 3000rpm/s for 1s
Soft bake
95°C for 5min
Exposure MA-6
Ma-D 332s for ~3min (gently stirring) Rinse in DI for >30s Dry with N2(g)
Deposit metal
Acetone lift-off
Rinse in acetone until resist with metal layer clears. Rinse in IPA. Dry with N2.
This is a simple lift-off process for when you don't need high resolution patterns. There should be no need for using an ultrasonic bath or elevated temperatures to clear the resist using acetone.