Replica molding - NanoLabStaff/nanolab GitHub Wiki

PDMS Replica Molding Protocol

by Jonas M. Ribe

Steps Process
1. Mix 1:10 ratio curing agent/base by stirring for >5 min
2. Degas 30-45 min. in desiccator
3. Pour >3g per 2” wafer
4. Cure 2h at 65°C in oven
5. Peel Slowly by hand and cover feature side w. plastic foil
  1. Make mold

    See SU-8.

  2. Silanize mold (optional)

     Silanization facilitates the release of the PDMS from the mold. 
     This improves the durability of the mold. Silanize the mold by 
     placing it in desiccator together with a drop of silane. 
     Pump down and leave for 1-2h.
  3. Mix PDMS

     Mix PDMS from Dow Corning’s Sylgard 184 two component silicone elastomer 
     kit with a ratio of 1:10 curing agent (cross-linker) to base (siloxane) 
     measured using a digital scale. Stirr using a plastic spoon for ∼5 min.
  4. Degas PDMS

     Remove the bubbles created by mixing, by degassing PDMS for 30-45 min. 
     in a desiccator. Vent the chamber every 15 min. to improve the pumping 
  5. Make holder:

     Place mold in a ”cupcake” holder made from aluminum foil. 
  6. Pour PDMS

     Pour PDMS slowly in center of the wafer. ∼3g PDMS is typically 
     sufficient for thinner devices. Push down the wafer to ensure an even 
     height of PDMS. If new bubbles are formed when pouring they can be 
     removed using the spoon, otherwise another degas step is required. 
  7. Cure PDMS

     Cure the PDMS in a Termaks oven at 65°C for 2h.
  8. Peel PDMS

     Once cool, peel the aluminum foil off the cured PDMS. 
     Start at the edge of the wafer and peel slowly. 
     Cover the features side with a plastic film to protect 
     the features and improve visibility when punching. 
  9. Punch inlets (optional)

     Punch inlet holes for tubings using UniCore punchers.
  10. Tape clean

     Pick up particles and PDMS debris made by the puncher by covering the 
     device with Scotch tape and peeling.
  11. Plasma bond

    Treat the surfaces to be bonded (glass or PDMS) with a short oxygen 
    plasma (e.g. 12s 50% O2, 50% power). Bring the surfaces in contact. 
    Finalize the bond by baking the device at 80°C for ~15 min.

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