PMMA lift off 50 60 nm feature size, 110 nm pitch - NanoLabStaff/nanolab GitHub Wiki

PMMA lift off 50 60 nm feature size, 110 nm pitch Protocol

by Simen Martinussen ([email protected])

  1. Spin coat PMMA (~80 nm)

     200K PMMA A3.5
     3500rpm for 120s
     Ramp: 1000rpm/s for 3.5s  
  2. Soft bake

     180°C for 60s 
  3. Spin coat PMMA (~120 nm)

     950K PMMA A4
     3000rpm for 120s
     Ramp: 1000rpm/s for 3s  
  4. Soft bake

     180°C for 60s 
  5. Exposure

     Features: dots
     HV: 20kV
     Current: 42pA
     Dose: 6 fC
     Settling time: 100 µs
  6. Develop

     9:1 IPA:DI water for ~15s (gently stirring)
     Rinse in DI water for >30s
     Dry with N2(g)

Lift-off successfully performed for evaporated 5 nm Ti/30 nm Au. Lift-off performed by immersion in acetone followed by acetone airbrushing.

Process writing speed with 100 µm write field: 5 hours and 45 minutes per square mm. EBL software stability problems was a serious issue for areas over 500x500 µm.

Pitch can possibly be reduced to 90 nm, but defocusing over large distances might be an issue. Settling time can possibly be reduced further as well.

Resist thickness values may be significantly inaccurate.


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