Add Units - Nagarian/optc-box-manager GitHub Wiki

Adding units to your box

If you want to enjoy this application at its fullest, you need to replicate your game box on the app. To achieve this task, you will have 3 differents ways to do it:

Screenshot import

This is the safer method for importing all your box.

NB: if you prefer watching video to learn how to replicate your game box, please check out this official one: Replicate your game box with Image Analyzer ?

  1. On the game, open your box and update the filter to remove the other class (it will remove useless items)
  2. Now you need to take screenshots of all the characters in your box (on Android, you can take them by pressing Power + Volume down). Ideally you should take picture 5 rows by 5 rows
  3. Now that you've captured all your box, Open OPTC-BM app and click on the add button
  4. Click on the Import characters from screenshot button
  5. You will have differents options available, choose the option 2
    1. (Experimental) Import box videos button (Experimental) Import box videos: see next section for additional detail about it
    2. Import Box screenshots button Import Box screenshots: this algorithm will handle screenshot of your box, that's the one we will use here
    3. Import Friend Point Pull screenshots button Import Friend Point Pull screenshots: as its name implied, you should use this algorithm on screenshot taken from FPP tavern
    4. Import Tavern screenshots button Import Tavern screenshots: use this algorithm on the Sugo Cleaner tool, it will handle the result screen of the SufoFest
    5. Import screenshots - Generic Square button Import screenshots - Generic Square: this is a generic algorithm which could be used to try detecting characters in any provided screenshots, this is the most efficient algorithm but it can handle new kind of screenshot that has no support currently
  6. Select all the corresponding screenshots according to the chosen algorithm
  7. Wait for the detection process to complete
  8. Now, it's recommended to check every screenshot to verify if all characters have been correctly recognized or not. If some of them are wrong, just click on it on the picture, it will be removed
  9. Click on validate button

(Experimental!) Video import

NB: if you prefer watching video to learn how to replicate your game box, please check out this official one: Replicate your game box with Image Analyzer ?

To Redact

Manual import

This method is the slower one, but it will work on any device since, all the recognition is made by you. So take a great cup of coffee, your phone and OPTC-BM and let's start the process!

NB: if you prefer watching video to learn how to replicate your game box, please check out this official one: Replicate your game box ?

  1. Click on the add button
  2. Now we will set set the sorting option (almost) the same between the game and OPTC-BM so:
    • In the game, go to your box and set the sort to Favorite
    • In OPTC-BM click on the filter button
    • Click on clear all button to remove all current filters/sorting options
    • Click on the Sort button to go on the sort panel
    • In the left panel, click on Default button
    • Click on validate button
  3. Now, you need to click on all the unit you have to select them, once done click on the validate button, a few tips:
    • if you select a unit by mistake you still can remove it by clicking on it on the selected list
    • during the process, you should find that some units are not in the right same orders between the game and the app, sorry for the inconvenience just scroll a bit and you should find it!

Adding Units demo

Now that you've replicated your box, you should track their progression! So let's do that in the next chapter: Bulk Edit