Bulk Edit - Nagarian/optc-box-manager GitHub Wiki
Bulk Edit
Now that you've replicated your box, you'll need to update them to track their progression. There are a lot of statistics to update between Special Level
, Limit Break/Potentials
, Support
and Cotton Candy
. As this step will take you some times to complete it, we've made this tool to improve the editing process. With it, you'll save huge times.
For your sanity, we recommend to not make all this step in one-go or you will become crazy!
So let's start with the most simple and fastest statistics to track: Limit Break
and Support
Bulk Edit Limit Break
For this step, we will take advantage of the sort of the game to group all the units we need to update. We will proceed as is:
- Declare the LB max units
- Then declare which one of them are rainbowed
- Then declare which one of them are rainbowed plus
- and finally manually update the remaining to update their potential level
NB: if you prefer watching video to learn how to use bulk edit limit break, please check out this official one: Bulk Edit Limit Break ?
- In OPC-BM, click on
- Choose one of the Potential Ability options, following your choice, those modifications will be applied:
LB Max
: LB lvl set to max, and potentials unlocked at lvl 1Rainbow
: LB lvl set to max, and potentials unlocked at lvl 5LB Max key unlocked
: LB lvl set max+ (key unlocked), and all potentials (event those key locked potentials) are set to lvl 1Rainbow +
: LB lvl set max+ (key unlocked), and all potentials (event those key locked potentials) are set to lvl 5
- Click on the
(next button) - In this popup, all the unit present on your box is present and they are pre-filtered/sorted to simplify your jobs as follow:
- Sorted by
LB level max
LB Max
: filter on unit withUser unit
-Limit Break
which are on thelocked
stateLB Max key unlocked
andRainbow +
: filter on unit withUser unit
-Limit Break
which are alreadymaxed
- Sorted by
- In the game, sort your box by
Limit Break
- Now you only need to select all the units which are in the state you want to set on the app and validate your choice
Bulk Edit Support
The process is almost the same as the bulk edit of Limit Break. For this step we will take advantage of the Support
sort of the game which blink the support level
of our units.
NB: if you prefer watching video to learn how to use bulk edit support, please check out this official one: Bulk Edit Support ?
- In OPC-BM, click on
- Slide the Support slider to your desired
Support value
, this will be the value which will be applied to the selected unit in the following screen - Click on the
(next button) - In this popup, all the unit present on your box is present and they are pre-filtered/sorted to simplify your jobs as follow:
- Sorted by
- Filtered on units with the
which has the stateunmaxed
- Sorted by
- In the game, sort your box by
- Now you only need to select all the units which are in the state you want to set on the app and validate your choice
Bulk Edit Special Level / Cotton Candy
For this step, we haven't any tool dedicated because all units have different level max, so it's preferable to check all units one-by-one. Here are some few tips to achieve this task as efficiently as possible.
- In OPC-BM, order your Box by
- In the game, go to
>Power Up
menu - Order your Box by
- Now when you tap on a unit, the reinforcement menu open where you can see on the top in one time
special level
and the details ofcotton candy
spend. All you have to do now is to replicate these statistics in the app by opening detail page.