Basics (Inventories) - Multiverse/Multiverse-Core GitHub Wiki

Inventories Basics

First, Install Multiverse-Inventories!

Method 1: (Recommended)

Step #1

Type /mv list to get a list of your worlds (you can skip this if you know your world names), then type /mvinv group.


Step #2

It will ask if you would like to create, edit or delete. Since it's your first time, you want to type "create", you'll then be prompted to name your group, this is just a name of your choice that you'll remember is the group link between the worlds, in my example, it's "creativeworlds".


Step #3

In this example, I'm linking the worlds creative and creative2 as shown in the first screenshot, so I will type those world names.

3 (As you can see at the end of the statement, the current worlds listed show "creative" and "creative2", so it added them to the group successfully)

Step #4

Once you add all the worlds, you type "@" to continue to the next step, which will be the shares you want to share between these worlds. All available shares can be found on this wiki. In this example, I'm going to share everything, so I will type "all".

4 (As you can see at the end of the statement, everything is shared between the worlds I listed above)

Step #5

Type "@" when you're finished and that is all! The next message shows you created a new group and a summary of what you just linked. Now my worlds "creative" and "creative2" will have everything shared.


Method 2 (A little more advanced):

Step #1

Find the Multiverse-Inventories directory in your server's plugin directory.

Step #2

Open up the Configuration file (config.yml) file. (The config has informative comments inside to help you understand what each option does.)

Step #3

Once you have your configuration set up as desired, simply type /mvinv reload in-game or mvinv reload in the server console.

Please refer to the frequently asked questions for an understanding of how groups and shares work!

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