Setup - Mottie/Kwicks GitHub Wiki
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<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script>
<link href="css/kwicks.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/jquery.kwicks.js"></script>
<ul id="kwicks">
###Script (showing all defaults)
// *** Appearance ***
max : null, // The width or height of a fully expanded kwick element
min : null, // The width or height of a fully collapsed kwick element
spacing : 0, // The width (in pixels) separating each kwick element
isVertical : false, // Kwicks will align vertically if true
sticky : false, // One kwick will always be expanded if true
defaultKwick : 0, // The initially expanded kwick (if and only if sticky is true). zero based
activeClass : 'active', // Class added to active (open) kwick
// *** Interaction ***
event : 'mouseenter', // The event that triggers the expand effect
eventClose : 'mouseleave', // The event that triggers the collapse effect
// *** Functionality ***
duration : 500, // The number of milliseconds required for each animation to complete
easing : 'swing', // Custom animation easing (requires easing plugin if anything other than 'swing' or 'linear')
// *** Slideshow ***
showDuration : 2000, // Slideshow duration
showNext : 1, // set to 1 for left-to-right, -1 for right-to-left or 0 for a random slide
// *** Callbacks ***
initialized : function(kwick){}, // event called when kwicks has been initialized
init : function(kwick){}, // event called when the event occurs (click or mouseover)
expanding : function(kwick){}, // event called before kwicks expanding animation begins
collapsing : function(kwick){}, // event called before kwicks collapsing animation begins
completed : function(kwick){}, // event called when animation completes
playing : function(kwick){}, // event called when slideshow starts
paused : function(kwick){} // event called when slideshow ends