FAQ - MorrellLAB/sequence_handling GitHub Wiki
Frequently Asked Questions
1. The exit status of my job wasn't zero! My job won't run! Help!
- The best thing to do for figuring out what went wrong is to look at the error file for the job. This will be located at
where the variables in all caps depend on the job.
2. I got an email from MSI about my job saying "Job exceeded walltime limit" with exit status -11. What happened?
Jobs can only run for so long on the supercomputer before it kills them. This amount of time is set in the qsub settings for each job, example: "mem=22gb,nodes=1:ppn=4,walltime=6:00:00". If your job ran out of time, try increasing the walltime limit and resubmitting.
Note that certain queues have maximum walltime limits you can request, as detailed on the MSI queues page. Jobs on lab can only run 24 hours (lab-long is unreliable). For longer jobs, use mesabi.
3. When I run Adapter_Trimming, I only get trimmed singles out even though my data is paired end!
- If you have paired end data, then each sample should have
and asamplename_Reverse_ScytheTrimmed.fastq.gz
. If you're only gettingsamplename_Single_ScytheTrimmed.fastq.gz
, then you have likely enteredFORWARD_NAMING
4. I'm getting an error when running SAM_Processing using SAMtools. It looks like
[bam_sort_core] merging from 44 files...
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference morex_contig_1...
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference morex_contig_4...
/bin/bash: line 1: 26653 Segmentation fault (core dumped) samtools rmdup "${out}/sorted/${sampleName}_${YMD}_sorted.bam" "${out}/finished/${sampleName}_${YMD}_deduped.bam"
[W::bam_hdr_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[E::bam_hdr_read] truncated bam header
Failed to read header for "/home/filepath/SAM_Processing/finished/sample1_deduped.bam"
[bam_sort_core] merging from 50 files...
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference morex_contig_1...
[bam_rmdup_core] processing reference morex_contig_4...
/bin/bash: line 1: 27530 Segmentation fault (core dumped) samtools rmdup "${out}/sorted/${sampleName}_${YMD}_sorted.bam" "${out}/finished/${sampleName}_${YMD}_deduped.bam"
[W::bam_hdr_read] EOF marker is absent. The input is probably truncated.
[E::bam_hdr_read] truncated bam header
Failed to read header for "/home/filepath/SAM_Processing/finished/sample2_deduped.bam"
- The issue here is the version of SAMtools that is being used. Please consult the dependencies page about which version to use.