Dependencies - MorrellLAB/sequence_handling GitHub Wiki
Dependency | Version | Handlers |
BCFtools | 0.2.0 | Variant_Analysis |
Bedtools | 2.17.0 | Coverage_Mapping |
Burrows-Wheeler Aligner (BWA) | 0.7.15 | Read_Mapping |
Enthought Python Distribution | 1.5.2 | Variant_Analysis |
FastQC | 0.11.5 | Quality_Assessment |
Fastx Toolkit | 0.0.14 | GBS Demultiplexing |
GATK | 3.8.0 | Haplotype_Caller, Genotype_GVCFs, Variant_Recalibrator |
GNU Parallel | 20160822 | Quality_Assessment, Adapter_Trimming, Quality_Trimming, SAM_Processing (SAMtools), Coverage_Mapping, Create_HC_Subset, Variant_Recalibrator, Variant_Analysis |
Java | 1.8 | SAM_Processing (Picard), Haplotype_Caller, Genotype_GVCFs, Variant_Recalibrator |
molpopgen | Commit b5ee78e |
Variant_Analysis |
Picard | 2.9.0 | SAM_Processing (Picard), all GATK handlers (only if the reference is missing a dictionary file) |
Portable Batch System (PBS) | 4.2.9 | All Handlers |
Python | 3.6.1 | Create_HC_Subset, Variant_Recalibrator, Variant_Filtering, Variant_Analysis |
R | 3.3.1 | Quality_Trimming, Coverage_Mapping, Create_HC_Subset, Variant_Filtering |
Riss-util | 1.0 | Quality_Assessment |
SAMTools | 1.3.1 | SAM_Processing (SAMtools and Picard) |
Scythe | Commit 20d3cff |
Adapter_Trimming |
Seqqs | Commit 3d05375 |
Quality_Trimming |
Sickle | 1.33 | Quality_Trimming |
TeX Live | 20131202 | Variant_Analysis |
VCFtools | 0.1.14 | Create_HC_Subset, Variant_Recalibrator, Variant_Filtering, Variant_Analysis |
vcflib | 1.0.0 | Create_HC_Subset, Variant_Filtering, Variant_Analysis |
If running sequence_handling
on the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, all dependencies are already installed with the correct version. Make sure that every line that starts with module load
at the bottom of the configuration file is uncommented and that you have access to the Morrell Lab modules. To gain access to the Morrell Lab modules, please run the following command on the login host:
echo export MODULEPATH=/panfs/roc/groups/9/morrellp/public/Modules:'$MODULEPATH' >> ~/.bash