Hemagenic Blade - Migsect/Pathfinder-Homebrew-References GitHub Wiki
Aura faint presence; CL 1st; Slot Equipped; Price 500 gp; Weight 1-lb.
This is a strange weapon made of a dark grey metal that merely consists of a handle, a gripping switch, and a turn-dial. The dial is on the top of the handle that can be turned to different settings depicted by pictures of various swords.
When the grip-switch is held-down needles will shoot out and draw blood from the user forming a crimson blade of various lengths depending on the setting selected. This blade forms from the side which holds the dial. When the handle is released, however, the blade will attempt to return the blood to the user, replenishing the hit points it took.
The blade can have its dial tuned to form any type of blade and reserves hit points to form the weapon. The weapon it creates mimics the weapon perfect excepting that it's material hardness is reduce to the CON-modifier of the user.
Blade | Hit Points Reserved |
Light blade | 2 |
One-handed blade | 5 |
Two-handed blade | 5 |
When the weapon takes damage, it will attempt to draw blood from the user to repair the damage it took.
The weapon gains damage bonus equal to the owner of the blood’s constitution modifier (this is affected by strength multipliers such as 1-1/2 for two-handed attacks).
On the side of the blade that does not form the blade, there is a slot for Hemagenic Upgrades.
Construction Requirements