Page Index - Microsoft/wil GitHub Wiki
43 page(s) in this GitHub Wiki:
- Home
- Ad hoc range helpers
- Bitwise operation helpers
- CppWinRT authoring helpers
- Error handling customization
- Error handling helpers
- Error handling helpers internals
- Error logging and observation
- Event handles
- Exception policy
- File System Helpers (filesystem.h)
- Internals Local data
- Kernel events
- Kernel spin locks
- Last error preservation
- Lock guard object
- Macro meta programming
- Mutex handles
- Parameter handling helpers
- RAII resource wrapper details
- RAII resource wrappers
- Re entrant locks
- Reader writer locks
- Registry Helpers
- RPC helpers
- safe_cast
- Secure data erasure
- Semaphore handles
- Shutdown aware objects
- Slim events
- String helpers
- string_maker
- Template metaprogramming helpers
- Token Helpers
- Type validation helpers
- Waiting on kernel objects
- WDF resource classes
- WIL and CppWinRT together
- Win32 helpers
- Windowing helpers
- Windows Runtime helpers
- WinRT and COM wrappers
- WinRT and COM wrappers internals