mcrun variants table overview - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki

Default "mcrun" executor indicated in bold below

Variant Type cmdline switches Environment vars
mcrun Python 3
-c, --force-compile
force rebuilding of instrument
-p FILE, --param=FILE
read instr parameters from file FILE
-N NP, --numpoints=NP
set number of scan points
-L, --list
use a fixed list of points for linear scanning
-M, --multi
run a multi-dimensional scan
open plotter on generated dataset
store copy of instrument file in output directory (enabled by default)
spread simulation over NB_CPU>0 machines using MPI (use auto as value to let mpirun decide for itself)
defines path of MPI machinefile to use in parallel mode
store scan results in FILE (defaults to: "mccode.dat")
disable optimising compiler flags for faster compilation
enable verbose output
 generate a user config file
- specify McStas lib location
- specify the C compiler
- specify the CFLAGS to use during compilation
- specify the mpi-enabled C compiler to use in --mpi mode . Perl 5
-c, --force-compile
force rebuilding of instrument
-p FILE, --param=FILE
read instr parameters from file FILE
-N NP, --numpoints=NP
set number of scan points
Add COMP to the list of monitors to maximize (optimization criteria, requires Math::Amoeba)
Relative requested accuracy of criteria (1e-3)
Defines filename for storing optim results. (Defaults to "mcoptim_XXXX.dat")
spread simulation over NB_CPU machines using MPI (use auto as value to let mpirun decide for itself)
defines path of MPI machinefile to use in parallel mode
store scan results in FILE (defaults to: "mccode.dat")
Does not use CFLAGS for faster compilation
Execute McStas selftest and generate report (for all/one/several instruments)
- specify McStas lib location
- specify the C compiler
- specify the CFLAGS to use during compilation
- specify the output format to use (McStas/NeXus).
versions of the above are also honoured.
Executors below this not yet in release

Instrument options - generic to all instruments, added to an mcrun cmdline:

  Instr options:
   -s SEED   --seed=SEED      Set random seed (must be != 0)
   -n COUNT  --ncount=COUNT   Set number of neutrons to simulate.
   -d DIR    --dir=DIR        Put all data files in directory DIR.
   -f FILE   --file=FILE      Put all data in a single file.
   -t        --trace          Enable trace of neutron through instrument.
   -g        --gravitation    Enable gravitation for all trajectories.
   -a        --data-only      Do not put any headers in the data files.
   --no-output-files          Do not write any data files.
   -h        --help           Show help message.
   -i        --info           Detailed instrument information.
   --format=FORMAT            Output data files using format FORMAT.
                              (format list obtained from .out -h)
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