mcrun - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki

The below information is accessible via the mcrun --help:

Usage: [-cpnN] Instr [-sndftgahi] params={val|min,max|min,guess,max}...

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  mcrun options:
    -c, --force-compile
                        force rebuilding of instrument
    -p FILE, --param=FILE
                        read parameters from file FILE
    -N NP, --numpoints=NP
                        set number of scan points
    -L, --list          use a fixed list of points for linear scanning
    -M, --multi         run a multi-dimensional scan
    --autoplot          open plotter on generated dataset
                        specify the plotter used with --autoplot
    --embed             store copy of instrument file in output directory
    --mpi=NB_CPU        spread simulation over NB_CPU machines using MPI
    --openacc           parallelize using openacc
    --funnel            funneling simulation flow, e.g. for mixed CPU/GPU
                        defines path of MPI machinefile to use in parallel
                        store scan results in FILE (defaults to: "mccode.dat")
    --no-cflags         disable optimising compiler flags for faster
    --verbose           enable verbose output
                        generate a user config file
                        Load config file from specific dir

  Instrument options:
    -s SEED, --seed=SEED
                        set random seed (must be: SEED != 0)
    -n COUNT, --ncount=COUNT
                        set number of neutrons to simulate
    -t, --trace         enable trace of neutron through instrument
    -g, --gravitation, --gravity
                        enable gravitation for all trajectories
    -d DIR, --dir=DIR   put all data files in directory DIR
    --format=FORMAT     output data files using format FORMAT (format list
                        obtained from .out -h)
    --vecsize=VECSIZE   vector length in OpenACC parallel scenarios
                        number of 'gangs' in OpenACC parallel scenarios
                        Maximum particles in an OpenACC kernel run. (If
                        INNERLOOP is smaller than ncount we repeat)
    --no-output-files   Do not write any data files
    -i, --info          Detailed instrument information
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