mcdisplay pyqtgraph - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki
This version of mcdisplay presents a 2D view of the instrument from the three cardinal directions. It is also called McDisplay-2D. This tool can be used to validate your instrument file - do the components appear where you intended them to?
Particle rays: Using this tool, you can inspect example particle rays, cycle the rays by pressing 'space'. This is also an important validation tool for component writers, and a quick validation method for the instrument simulation setup.
Zoom and navigation: It is easy to zoom in on details by using the mouse wheel, or holding the right-mouse button while moving the mouse (meta-click on some platforms). To expand one of the three projections to full window size, click on it. Use right-click to return (meta-click on some platforms).
Component names: To display component names in a dialogue, press 'h' or 'F1'. To exit mcdisplay, press 'q'. You can also dump png and svg files to disk - read the help text presented in the overview plot for details.
Time of Flight mode: A useful tool for validating timed setups.
Call mcdisplay with --tof (--TOF or --ToF) to enter time of flight mode in a t-z plot. This will plot the instrument as a set of horizontal lines, and particles as rays in time. Scatter, absorb and component intersection events as represented by the circular dots.
Component drawing: The full lines are the component POS-z coordinates as defined in the instrument file. The dotted lines represent component bounding-box minimum and maximum values.
Component names: Press 'h' or 'F1' to enable/disable a dialogue window showing component names by colour.