Release procedure notes - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki

  • Tests:

    • " --test" should look ok
    • compile test (the above does not fail for instruments which do not have a test)
    • verify tools: use mcgui, with mcrun, and mcplot, mcplot-alltheothers to run a few instruments
    • mcdoc / should output a nice table for most/every component and instrument
  • Documentation:

    • release notes: edit CHANGES_McStas/CHANGES_McXtrace
    • update version number in doc/manuals/m[cx]stas/preamble_common.tex
    • draft email message for neutron, nobugs, mcstas-users, etc.
  • Build:

    1. build the manual. This should be done in the doc/manuals/mcstas directory, the results copied to docpkg, and committed there.
    2. on debian, build for: debs (64), windows (64) - the 2nd argument triggers build of meta-packages.
      • build_debs_mcstas VERSION meta
      • build_windows_mcstas VERSION meta
    3. on CentOS, build for: RPMs (64)
      • build_rpms_mcstas VERSION yes - the 2nd argument triggers build of meta-packages.
    4. on macOS, build for 64bit systems that should work for most newer releases.
      • build_macos_mcstas VERSION A 2nd argument here has a different function. The is bundle is built in-place in /Applications and subsequently "tarballed". The extra arg prevents tar from removing the source files. I.e. useful for debugging.
  • Distribute:

    • Transfer all packages to - location is /srv/web/
    • Create separate folders pr. platform, with platform-relevant README instructions
    • Copy rpm packages to their relevant location under /srv/web/
    • Copy deb packages to their relevant location under /srv/web/
    • Run the script /srv/web/
  • Website:

    • Repo is /srv/cvs/web at
    • Write news-flash item at top of contents/main.html page, separator is the html <hr> tag
    • Update contents of contents/download/current to match the current version
    • Push contents/CHANGES_McStas from last version to contents/developments/
    • Update contents of contents/CHANGES_McStas, contents/download/CHANGES contents/download/CHANGES_McStas
    • Put PDF manual copies under contents/documentation/manual/ - with version number in filename
    • Update the pages under contents/download/install_linux, install_mac_os_x, install_unix, install_windows if anything needs changes from last version
  • Once all of this is in place, send the emails!