McCode roadmap discussions 2023 and beyond - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki
Points to be discussed during the 2022 McStas-McXtrace Hackathon
1. Documentation overhaul
PDF manual content is falling seriously behind.
2. User survey
Who is using the codes and for what? Are users aware of the new feature additions and tools?
3. Existing UI tool maintainability
Do we have the right (and stable) dependencies? Should we start enforcing "pinning"?
4. Code-generator
Do we envision further grammar additions? What are they?
5. 'Absorbing' e.g. PaNOSC developments
How do we integrate e.g. tools developed in the PaNOSC project, how do we promote their use?
6. Dissemination
YouTube videos? E.g. on
7. Testing and validating our code
Is what we want? Coverage?
8. Funding resources, in-kind resources
Relevant, upcoming EU calls. Can we get e.g. the Americans, Swiss, UK and Japanese more involved?
9. Extending and perfecting the sample suite
Union vs. "monolithic" components. Can we find a way to avoid code duplication?