GPUhack get profile data - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki

Get profiling output:

hostname(username) $ nsys profile ./BNL_H8.out -n1e8 lambda=2.36 -dmy_dir3

**** collection configuration ****
	force-overwrite = false
	stop-on-exit = true
	export_sqlite = false
	stats = false
	capture-range = none
	stop-on-range-end = false
	delay = 0 seconds
	duration = 0 seconds
	kill = signal number 15
	inherit-environment = true
	show-output = true
	wait = all
	application command = ./BNL_H8.out
	application arguments = -n1e8 lambda=2.36 -dmy_dir3 
	application working directory = /zhome/68/5/1000184454/test
	NVTX profiler range trigger = 
	NVTX profiler domain trigger = 
	environment variables:

	application configuration
	    sample_cpu = true
	    backtrace_method = lbr
	    trace_cublas = false
	    trace_cuda = true
	    trace_cudnn = false
	    trace_nvtx = true
	    trace_mpi = false
	    trace_openacc = false
	    trace_vulkan = false
	    trace_opengl = true
	    trace_osrt = true
	    osrt-threshold = 0 nanoseconds
	    cudabacktrace = false
	    cudabacktrace-threshold = 0 nanoseconds
	    trace-fork-before-exec = false
	   profile_processes = tree

	system configuration
	    Beta: ftrace events:
	    ftrace-keep-user-config = false
	    trace-GPU-context-switch = false

	Collecting data...
Instrument:     BNL_H8 on n-62-20-1.
Monochromator : DM = 3.3539
A1 = 20.60, A2 = 41.20 (deg)
Ki = 2.662 Angs-1 Energy = 14.69 meV
Velocity = 1676 m/s, lambda = 2.36 Angs
[BNL_H8] Initialize

Save [BNL_H8]
Detector: D0_Source_I=0.00316671 D0_Source_ERR=1.39433e-06 D0_Source_N=5.15805e+06 "D0_Source.psd"
Detector: D1_SC1_Out_I=0.0204119 D1_SC1_Out_ERR=3.53871e-06 D1_SC1_Out_N=3.34595e+07 "D1_SC1_Out.psd"
Detector: D2_A4_I=0.0137486 D2_A4_ERR=2.90454e-06 D2_A4_N=2.25704e+07 "D2_A4.psd"
Detector: D4_SC2_In_I=0.00154838 D4_SC2_In_ERR=9.74817e-07 D4_SC2_In_N=2.5598e+06 "D4_SC2_In.psd"
Detector: D5_SC2_Out_I=0.0012103 D5_SC2_Out_ERR=8.6178e-07 D5_SC2_Out_N=2.01721e+06 "D5_SC2_Out.psd"
Detector: D7_SC3_In_I=1.24163e-07 D7_SC3_In_ERR=2.24566e-10 D7_SC3_In_N=335377 "D7_SC3_In.psd"
Detector: D8_SC3_Out_I=2.37247e-08 D8_SC3_Out_ERR=9.86484e-11 D8_SC3_Out_N=63495 "D8_SC3_Out.psd"
Detector: D10_SC4_In_I=1.21353e-09 D10_SC4_In_ERR=2.24508e-11 D10_SC4_In_N=3198 "D10_SC4_In.psd"
Detector: He3H_I=9.35548e-10 He3H_ERR=1.97262e-11 He3H_N=2464 "He3.psd"

Finally [BNL_H8: my_dir3]. Time: 431400 [h] 
	Generating the /zhome/68/5/1000184454/test/report1.qdstrm file.
	Saving diagnostics...
	Saving qdstrm file to disk...
	Finished saving file.

Importing [===============================================================100%]
Saved report file to "/zhome/68/5/1000184454/test/report1.qdrep"