GPUhack building and installing McStas - mccode-dev/McCode GitHub Wiki

Build a McStas 3.0-dev from your local checkout (could also be done similarly on your own machine)

hpclogin2(username) $ cd McCode
hpclogin2(username) $ ./build_loc_3.0_tree 

(Will check out mcstas-3.0 branch automatically and give loads of output)

To run your newly built McStas, execute

hpclogin2(username) $ $HOME/McStas/mcstas/3.0-dev/environment

which should give you:

The new shell started here is now set up for running this version of mcstas:

McStas version 3.0-dev (Jan. 13, 2020)
Copyright (C) DTU Physics and Risoe National Laboratory, 1997-2020
Additions (C) Institut Laue Langevin, 2003-2020
All rights reserved

To end using this version of mcstas, exit this shell.

mpi/3.0.0-gcc-6.4.0 is already loaded.
hpclogin2(username) $ 

The installed tools are these:

hpclogin2(username) $ ls $MCSTAS/bin
mcdisplay  mcdisplay-pyqtgraph  mcformat  mcpl2ssw  mcplot  
mcplot-matplotlib  mcplot-pyqtgraph  mcplot-svg  mcpltool  mcrun  mcstas  mcstas_errmsg  postinst  ssw2mcpl

A newly-developed test script is this located in McCode/tools/Python/mctest/ - this is what builds

Next topic: GPUhack example compilation